金曜日, 2月 10, 2006

rainy season

mmh... likely the rains is soon end and likely moment enter the dry season have arrived. sorrowful also...
I ain't knew, likely I think much of the the rains, more than anything else if rain of moderate rain with thick black cloud, wuiih...! downhill rainwater moment of itself of cloud, at the time sky is impressing exclaim and announce that rain have come.

usually if snugly rain and then look into something like road;street, building is and or grove, from returning the car glass window many of the matters is sudden thought of. sometimes think of occurence which have then ( read: flashback) or the matter wishing to be done.

hehe.. special so him if rain come, moreover is expression if rain come then frog at singing. well... according to erudite description of it rain is processing the named by the water cycle of evaporation. yups, evaporation of nature that happened constructively energy is hot the than sunshine. if at evaporation of sea-water, the salt implied in sea-water ga follow to be evaporated ( lingered on on the sea) then if aqueous vapour go out to sea the dew will be obtained by the the freshwater is pure relative.

Evaporation storey;level base on two different factor, that is:
· Air temperature
· Big of the aqueous vapour content there are on the air.

so, air temperature excelsior, more and more absorbent aqueous vapours by air. Smaller percentage of aqueous vapour on the air, more and more aqueous vapours can be permeated by the air.

Air temperature in desert is in the day time high enough, hence what if when there are surface water there will be high evaporation. hehe.. hence desert seldom is irrigating, it's very hot indeed !

Evaporation of water can happened passing the plant and surface of earth. Evaporation of water through plant referred transpiracy
Thereby there are two form evaporation of different water in nature:
· Evaporation is on the surface of earth ( of ocean, continent).
· Evaporation through plant ( referred transpirasi).

speak to regarding the condensation. Condensation is processing reverse of evaporation. Condensation aqueous vapour mean the process change of aqueous vapour to to irrigate ( process the condensation).

On the air, condense the aqueous vapour happened if:
· Air which have ever been saturated of aqueous vapour added by the other vitamin or aqueous vapour
· saturated Air temperature of aqueous vapour go down

the is Aqueous vapour of dew is on the air form the water drips is very visible and small as cloud in the sky. Air concidering aqueous vapour or cloud can aeolian to other place. Therefore wind have important role in determining the area where rain there will be. ( him name wind transportation or aid transportation of wind)

Constructively wind transportation, hence can be estimated that shall one of million the water drip is very the small will crumple and form one larger ones water drip. Tetes-Tetes this big water can fall to surface of earth as rain drop.

In temperate weather area with selected height, ices crystals crumple with the water drips is very the small and form one ices Iump. this Ices Iump will melt when falling and to earth as rain drop.

mmmh... as big of rain more happened in mountain area compared to the lowland, because saturated air temperature of aqueous vapour, will experience of degradation of temperature after brought by wind of lowland to mountain.

Level of rainfall in mountain added with close grove cause availability of clean water in mountain relative many. more than anything else klo incoming rain among sure close grove and forests was the view beautiful his rain time have. when raindrop fall inch by inch and when sunshine start to enlighten each;every angle;the corner of the leaves.

Then, formed by it of source of water in nature is experiencing of with refer to process. Rainwater is down to the ground then soak into the land;ground. Reach selected deepness, the water holded by amethyst coat ( waterproof coat), blocking the water so that don't continue to diffuse downwards. From the crack of the stoney we can find the clear water source and not impure.

whew, rich of this discussion far from the rain meaning be in fact. but it's ok hehe... maybe there's a multiply of the benefit.

rainy season... it's so wonderful !

lost in thought...

The clouds gathered and soft rain began to fall from the darkend skys. We ran underneath a tree, its old, twisting branches covered with green, lush, leaves shielding us both from the rain. We sat, and watched the rain fall, as if they were tears being cried by a god. She slowly opened her mouth and said to me in a quiet, yet seductive voice, "If I die, will you mourn my death?". I did not want to think about this, I did not want this moment to end. I forced myself to say "Yes, i would". She sighed and looked up at the tree, looked past its braches, into the sky beyond, then, she stood up and turned to me and said "I must leave you, you will not see me again". She started to walk away, but I caught up with her. "Why?", I asked, "Why must you leave me?". She simply turned and smiled at me, and quietly said, "We are not meant be, we are different, we are not the same". I replied, "But our love is strong, it has the power of an army, we can defeat anything together, please, stay, don't leave me." I fell to the ground, silent tears streaming from my eyes. "Don't cry", she said, "life will go on, you will forget about me and find another". "No !" i said, "There will be no other, you are the one I love, only you hold the key to my heart, without you, i am lifeless, i am but a shadow of my former self, you make me complete". She looked at me, and said "I will always be with you, where ever you go, I will follow." And with those final words, she left me. And as she walked furthur and furthur away, I realised how lucky I had been, to have an angel as my lover. And as the sun set in the horizon, I got back up onto my feet, and walked back to the tree. I sat there and longed for her. I longed for her touch, her voice to break the silence. But I was alone. I looked to the skys and watched the clouds go by. I eventually got up and began to walk away from the old tree that sheltered us from the rain, when i saw a rose. It was blood red in color, and stood out from the rest of the world. I picked it up and looked at it, then I saw the blood. I looked at my hand and realised that a thorn had pieced my fingertip. I watched the blood slowly leave my body and drip down my hand and onto the rose, splashing over its wide petals. The blood reminded me of her. I threw the rose into the distance, watching it fall to the ground and settle in amongst some grass. I walked back to the old tree and once again, sat down. I sat there and thought. I thought about what my life would be like without her. I suddenly felt a cold object in my hand, I looked down and there, in my right hand, the one the rose thorn had pierced, was a dagger. Its blade was silver, and sharp, the hilt was encrusted with jewels. The handle was black, like the night, and at the end of the handle was a silk scarf tied around it. It draped itself around my hand, as if caressing me. I looked long and hard at the dagger, thinking about everything I had lost, and everything i would lose in the future. I could no longer bare the lonelyness. I plunged the dagger deep into my heart with all my might. The blade piercing my skin and forcing its way through me. And as I sat under the wise old tree, my lifeblood flowed out of me like a raging river, its red color staining the grass and all it touched. And as I died, I finally realised, this is what its like to be alone

I live nearby a park,
But not a joyful one.
There are full of lonely trees and lonely grass,
As lonely as me.
The grass is so long,
Seems no one cares about it...

I was sitting there in the lonely park,
Was thinking about of finding a path,
But life seems don't have one.
Everyone just walk though the park,
But no one ever come for it,
Or even no one knows there is the park.
Everyone is happy,
Because they never knows this story of the park...

The park is lonely everyday,
It wants someone cares about it,
And it wants to know of there are any other ways.
It knows no one would care about it beside me.
We are best friends,
We both think people who has been left out should get together.
Nothing is perfect.

Life is sad,
It's full of loneliness like this park.
No one was waiting for me,
No one would come for me.
I thought you would,
But that's the order from God.
The grass is crying out sadness,
The trees are crying out loneliness,
Everything is just so sad in this lonely park.

Whenever my heart was torn,
You make me smile.
And now you're gone,
Which makes me cry.
I wrote you pages,
But there were no replies.
Where are you?
I am looking for you.
But this is the result...

I went to the airport with you.
I remembered you told me to wait for you.
Oh well! You're gone.
You're disappeared...
How can I carry on?
You said our love will be ever lasting.
What a liar!

You just walked away without saying a "bye"
That was the first time you ever told a lie.
The only one can keep my strength alive has gone.
And I'm now trying to find other ways to go on.
But I'm still;; waiting,
I'm still longing.